Whisky Tasting 2019

In October the Hammermen held their annual Whisky Tasting in the Golden Lion Hotel, courtesy of Callum McMillan.

This year it took the unusual twist whereby as well as Callum talking, he “persuaded” four other members of the Hammermen to speak to the Whisky on offer.

The jury is still out as to the professionalism of the four Hammermen.  However the four; Ken, Stuart, Duncan and Lewis did  a great job although not in the same league as Callum.

All 20 members and guests that attended had a great time and appreciated the effort everyone made.

About Seven Incorporated Trades of Stirling

The power to grant incorporated status to trades rested with the magistrates of royal burghs. An incorporated trade was granted the right to monopolise and control their trade within the burgh. Trade Incorporations were usually constituted by a seal of cause granted by the magistrates but some were constituted by use and consuetude. A strict monopoly was enforced within the burgh and non-members of an incorporation were not allowed to trade within the bounds of the town.
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